Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia, H.E. Mr. Dražen Margeta participated on October 28, 2010 at the opening ceremony of the "Cairo Meeting" held at the Hall of Cairo University. The "Cairo Meeting" was an international cultural event held under the slogan "Beauty: space for the dialogue".
Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia H.E. Mr. Dražen Margeta participated on October 28, 2010 at the opening ceremony of the „Cairo Meeting“ held at the Hall of Cairo University. The „Cairo Meeting“was an international cultural event held under the slogan „Beauty: space for the dialogue“, promoting empowerment of the dialogue between the different civilizations, cultures and religions. Mr. Wael Farouq, American University Professor and inter-civilization dialogue promotor, has organized the event.
Activities of the two days long cultural event took place at the Cairo Opera House and the former Croatian ambassador to Egypt Mr. Daniel Bucan has participated thereat together with the intellectuals from Egypt, Italy, France and USA.
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