Exhibition of tourist posters in Amman

Exhibition of Croatian Tourist Posters has been inaugurated at the Royal Cultural Center in Amman. The exhibition was opened by Deputy Minister of Culture of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Mr. Jeryes Samawe. Foreign diplomats accredited in Jordan as well as prominent members of Jordanian political and cultural scene were present at the opening ceremony.

Exhibition of Croatian Tourist Posters has been inaugurated at the Royal Cultural Center in Amman. The exhibition was opened by Deputy Minister of Culture of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Mr. Jeryes Samawe. Foreign diplomats accredited in Jordan as well as prominent members of Jordanian political and cultural scene were present at the opening ceremony. The exhibition in Amman has been organized by Croatian Embassy in Cairo, which is competent for Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan as well, and Honorary Consul of the Republic of Croatia in Jordan Dr. Abdel Nour Habaybeh. The exhibition of Croatian Tourist Posters displayed in front of the Jordanian public natural beauties of Croatia as well as Croatian cultural heritage. Posters depicting UNESCO protected monuments in Croatia commanded particular attention amongst visitors. Brochures issued by Croatian Tourist Board providing details on tourist capabilities and offers of Croatia were made available at the event.

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