Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in Ireland Davor Vidiš visited Scoil Bhríde primary school with Minister Eamon Ryan and state minister Pippa Hackett as part of the celebration of Europe Week

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Slika Slika Slika Slika
On Friday, May 10th 2024, as part of the celebration of Europe Day and European Week, the Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in Ireland, Davor Vidiš, together with the Minister of Environment, Climate, Communications and Transport of Ireland Eamon Ryan and MP Pippa Hackett, visited Scoil Bhríde primary school.

Scoil Bhríde is one of the first schools in Ireland to install 14 solar panels with state subsidies, which already provide electricity for the school. Also, the school is extremely oriented towards sustainability, recycling and concern for the fight against climate change, which especially surprised Minister Ryan, who is leading the Green party in the ruling coalition.

School students participated in the Blue Star Programme and learned about the countries of the European Union by meeting famous European painters, making flags of European countries and learning European history. Due to the arrival of the Croatian Ambassador, the flag of the Republic of Croatia was specially displayed in the school.

Ambassador Vidiš warmly greeted the students and held a short lecture in which he presented the greatest attributes of the Republic of Croatia and briefly explained what it means to be an ambassador. As expected, students were most interested in Croatian football players.
