Embassies of foreign countries in the Republic of Croatia
Republic of Austria
Establishment of diplomatic relations: 15.01.1992.
Embassy of the Republic of Austria to the Republic of Croatia
- City: Zagreb
- H.E. Mr. JOSEF MARKUS WUKETICH, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
- Phone:+385 1 4881 050
- Fax: +385 1 4834 461
- Address:
Radnička cesta 80/IX
10 000 Zagreb
CROATIA - Email: agram-ob@bmeia.gv.at
- Web page: https://www.bmeia.gv.at/hr/austrijskog-veleposlanstva-u-zagrebu/
- Additional text:
Mission members:
Mrs. JULIA MARIA TIEFENGRABER, Minister Plenipotentiary
Mr. GERHARD GÖTZ, Counsellor and Consul
Mr. MATTHIAS JANZ, Assistant Attaché
Mrs. SABINE MAURER, Assistant Attaché
Mr. RUDOLF KIRISITS, Attaché - Police Liaison Officer
Defence Attaché Office
- City: Zagreb
- Colonel JURE JOHANN BAUER, Defence Attaché
- Phone:01 488 10 50
- Fax: 01 483 44 61
- Address:
Radnička cesta 80/9
10 000 Zagreb
CROATIA - Email: ma.hrv@bmlvs.gv.at
- Additional text:
Mission members:
Warrant Officer TIBOR SPECKL, Defence Attaché Assistant
Austrian Culture Forum
- City: Zagreb
- Mrs. MARINA CHRYSTOPH, Culture Counsellor and Director
- Phone:01 48 81 250
- Fax: 01 48 30 739
- Address:
Gundulićeva 3
10 000 Zagreb
CROATIA - Email: agram-kf@bmeia.gv.at
- Additional text:
Mission members:
Foreign Trade Office
- City: Zagreb
- Mr. GERHARD SCHLATTL, Counsellor for Commercial Affairs
- Phone:+385 1 48 81 900
- Fax: +385 1 48 81 912
- Address:
Ilica 12/III (P.P. 25)
10000 Zagreb
CROATIA - Email: zagreb@advantageaustria.org
- Additional text:
Mission members:
Office of Attaché for Agricultural and Enviromental Affairs
- City: Zagreb
- Phone:+385 1 48 62 082
- Fax: +385 1 48 50 456
- Address:
Radnička cesta 80/IX
10000 Zagreb
CROATIA - Email: christian.brawenz@bmeia.gv.at
Office of Police Liaison Officer
- City: Zagreb
- Mr. RUDOLF KIRISITS, Attaché - Police Liaison Officer
- Phone:+385 1 48-19-381
- Address:
Radnička cesta 80/IX
10000 Zagreb
CROATIA - Email: zagreb@bmi.gv.at
Consulate of the Republic of Austria to the Republic of Croatia, Rijeka
- City: Rijeka
- Mr. GEORG GAVRILOVIĆ, Honorary Consul
- Phone:+385 51 338 554
- Fax: + 385 51 338 554
- Address:
Stipana Konzula Istranina 2
51000 Rijeka
CROATIA - Email: konzulat.republike.austrije@ri.t-com.hr
- Additional text:
Mission members:
Consulate General of the Republic of Austria to the Republic of Croatia, Split
- City: Split
- Phone:+385 21 322-535
- Fax: +385 21 362 308
- Address:
Klaićeva poljana 1
21 000 Split
CROATIA - Email: marin.mrklic.consulate@email.hinet.hr
- Web page: www.atembassy.hr
- Additional text:
Mission members:
Mrs. SANJA ŠIRIĆ, Honorary Vice-Consul
On this page you may find basic information concerning diplomatic-consular missions located in the Republic of Croatia. The Missions are listed by country name in alphabetical order.