Contact and Working Hours

Embassy of the Republic of Croatia to the Hellenic Republic
(covers the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Cyprus)

Aleksandar Sunko, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Phone: 0030 210 6777 033, 0030 210 6777 037

Fax: 0030 210 6711 208

Address:Tzavela 4
Neo Psychiko
154 51 Athens

Email of the Embassy:
Email of the Consular office:
Web page:

Working hours:
• Monday-Friday 09:00-17:00

Working hours of the Consular office (for clients):
• Monday-Friday 09:00-17:00 (by appointment, except in emergency)

Hotline for Croatian citizens (for emergencies and urgent cases outside office hours): 0030 693 6572 421

Diplomatic personnel:
Goran Prokopec, Diplomatic Counsellor
Karlo Nakić, Third Secretary

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