- Published: 27.01.2020.
Special screening of the documentary movie „Vatreni: A Flame has been Fired“ and a reception on the occasion of celebrating the beginning of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union
On the occasion of celebrating the beginning of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Japan, supported by the Delegation of the European Union to Japan, hosted a special screening of the documentary movie „Vatreni: A Flame has been Fired“ and a reception at the Delegation of the European Union to Japan (“Europa House”) on 27 January 2020. Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado were among around 150 guests - representatives of political, business, media and cultural life of Japan as well as members of the Diplomatic Corps.
Before the movie screening, Kishi Nobuo, Secretary General of the Japan-Croatia Parliamentary Friendship League, Nakatani Shinichi, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, Roland Honekamp, Chargé d"affaires of the EU Delegation in Japan, Dražen Hrastic, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to Japan and Miroslav Blaževic, Producer of the movie, addressed the audience. The movie, which was previously screened at the Yokohama Football Film Festival and in the City of Tokamachi od Niigata Prefecture, has attracted a great deal of interest and positive reactions from the event’s guests. The reception also provided guests with the opportunity to taste a variety of Croatian dishes prepared by the Embassy staff and some premium quality Croatian wines.
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