Croatia and the European Union

On 1 July 2013 Croatia became a full-fledged EU member, assuming all of the rights and obligations stemming from the membership, while certain authorities have been transferred to the EU institutions pursuant to the Treaty on the European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union as well as the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia, heading VIII.

It was precisely for the purposes of efficient functioning that acts and decisions have been passed, defining the obligations and competences of various institutions and state administration bodies.

The Act on Cooperation between the Parliament and the Government of the Republic of Croatia in European Affairs stipulates that the Parliament shall monitor the Government’s work within the EU institutions, review the EU documents and Croatia’s positions and reach conclusions on them, participate in putting forward Croatian candidates for the EU institutions and bodies, take part in cooperation between national parliaments, cooperate with the European Parliament etc.

Also, an Interdepartmental Working Group for European Affairs has been established, tasked with reviewing and preparing position proposals that Croatia’s representatives would advocate and submitting them to the Croatian Government’s Coordination Body for Foreign and European Policy.