Village of Gowr-e Mar near Mazar-i-Sharif gets drinking water pump financed by MFAEI

The building of said pump will greatly facilitate the supplying of 500 families or 4,000 citizens with drinking water, which so far there was a lack of

The building of said pump will greatly facilitate the supplying of 500 families or 4,000 citizens with drinking water, which so far there was a lack of. The project was carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia in the part of Afghanistan where Croatian soldiers are located.

The Republic of Croatia, as part of the development assistance to Afghanistan, will also participate this year in financing the sawing and tailoring courses in cooperation with the Badakshan Directorate of Women’s Affairs, as well as in the building of a protective wall around the Sayef elementary school in Feyzabad, including participation in World Food Programme’s international development cooperation.

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