United Nations Day

The United Nations Day marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter

The United Nations Day marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter, which laid the foundations for the future global organization dedicated to preserving world peace and security.

This year also marked Croatia’s 25th UN membership anniversary. With the recognition of Croatia’s independence and sovereignty, that date is celebrated as one of the most important ones in Croatian history. On that occasion, along with a ceremony in Zagreb and a reception at the UN headquarters in New York, Antun Augustinčić’s statue “The Peace” was reconstructed. The monument is a gift from Croatia to the UN.

Croatia has achieved a series of prominent results and participated in numerous prestigious bodies, such as the Security Council, ECOSOC and PBC. Furthermore, this year Croatia joined the Human Rights Council, one of the UN’s most important bodies promoting democratic values, respect for human rights and fundamental human freedoms. Croatia’s admission to this forum represents a significant achievement and is the result of its internationally recognized engagement in this area. 

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