Transfer of command of the UNDOF was held at Camp Faouar...

Major General Natalio C. Ecarma III succeeded Major General Wolfgang Jilke as head of the mission.

During the ceremony, attended by heads of missions of the UN security Council member states, as well as the ambassadors of the countries whose soldiers are taking part in the UNDOF, Major General Jilke thanked them for their cooperation, and he especially welcomed the Croatian ambassador who arrived from Cairo specifically for this occasion. He addressed all soldiers in their respective native languages (Croatian, German, Hindi, Japanese, Polish and English), thanked them for their professional conduct and wished them success in their future work.

After he assumed the duty, Major General Ecarma said that he would continue maintaining the established high standards of performing the duty of this very important UN mission. On behalf of the Republic of Croatia, the ceremony was attended by Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to the Syrian Arab Republic of Dražen Margeta and Honorary Consul of the Republic of Croatia in Damascus Kochaba Nissan. After the ceremony, Ambassador Margeta and honorary consul Nissan met with the Croatian soldiers in the Mission and their commander Major Marjan Madjerić.

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