State Secretary Pejčinović Burić at CEI, AII foreign ministers’ meetings in Tirana, Albania

State Secretary for European Integration at the MFAEI Marija Pejčinović Burić headed the Croatian delegation at the meetings of the foreign ministers’ of the Central European initiative (CEI) and the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative (AII), held 26 May 2006 in Tirana, the Republic of Albania

The meeting of CEI foreign ministers was held in the morning, with State Secretary Pejčinović Burić stating in her speech that CEI, as the oldest and the most wide-ranging regional forum in the Central Europe, demonstrably contributes to the stability and progress in the region. State Secretary Pejčinović Burić pointed out Croatia’s dedication to enhancing the co-operation among the region’s countries, which it will further promote through it SEECP presidency.

CEI is an inter-state regional association gathering 17 member countries. The co-operation within includes exchanging opinions on the most important political topics, intensifying the mutual relations for the purposes of stimulating the member countries’ development, and the working groups’ joint program activities.

The meeting of AII foreign ministers was held in the afternoon. State Secretary Pejčinović Burić held a speech, pointing out the Croatia welcomes the concept and practice of regional co-operation as a way of promoting peace, neighbourly relations, stability and progress in the region, adding that Croatia’s contribution to the AII proves its importance for Croatia in the sense of regional co-operation.

The AII is one of the most recent forms of inter-state co-operation in the South Eastern Europe. The Initiative is an attempt by its members to identify the areas of common interest, and work and strengthening the mutual relations through a multilateral framework.

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