State Secretary Metelko-Zgombić attends GAC, GAC (Art. 50)

State Secretary for European Affairs Andreja Metelko-Zgombić 19 March 2019 in Brussels attended meeting of the General Affairs Council and General Affairs Council (Article 50)

State Secretary for European Affairs Andreja Metelko-Zgombić 19 March 2019 in Brussels attended meeting of the General Affairs Council and General Affairs Council (Article 50).

The Council held a debate on the multiannual financial framework for 2021-2027 (MFF). The ministers provided their views on the measures envisaged in the MFF on climate mainstreaming and migration.

The ministers agreed a partial general approach on the Regulation establishing the instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III).

The Council discussed draft conclusions for the European Council meeting on 21 and 22 March. The spring European Council will focus on strengthening the European economic base. EU leaders will also discuss climate change, the upcoming summit with China and ways to tackle disinformation.

In regard to the European Semester, the Council examined a presidency report summarising the contributions of the Council configurations on the 2019 European Semester package. The Council also agreed to forward a draft recommendation to the European Council inviting the euro area member states to pursue policies aimed at boosting economic growth in 2019-2020.

The Council adopted without discussion a series of legislative acts as part of its preparations for a "no-deal" Brexit scenario. These measures are temporary in nature, limited in scope and adopted unilaterally by the EU. The aim of these acts is to limit the most severe damage caused by a disorderly Brexit in specific sectors where it would create a major disruption for citizens and businesses, such as social security, youth mobility, transport and fisheries (more on said measures can be found here).

During the CAC (Art. 50) meeting, the Commission’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier informed the ministers of the situation following developments over the last few weeks. The ministers exchanged views on the state of play and the way forward. They reconfirmed their commitment to the Withdrawal Agreement as the best possible way to ensure an orderly Brexit. In light of the uncertainty in the UK, they also stressed the need to be prepared for all possible outcomes.


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