State Secretary Marija Pejčinović Burić talked to Tommy Waidelich, the Kingdom of Sweden Chairman of the Committee on European Union Affairs

State Secretary at the Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry Marija Pejčinović Burić met in Zagreb, on June 29, 2005, with the Kingdom of Sweden Parliament (Riksdaga) delegation, lead by Tommy Waidelich, Chairman of the Committee on European Union Affairs

State Secretary Pejčinović Burić discussed with the Swedish delegation the activities the Republic of Croatia was making in order to prepare for the negotiations on entering the European Union, and informed it of the members and preparations of the negotiating team. The State Secretary stressed the Republic of Croatia had started the process of harmonising its legislature with the European Communities 2003 acquis communitaire through the National Program for Croatia's joining the EU. State Secretary Pejčinović Burić wished the Kingdom of Sweden delegation to share Sweden's experience of the EU membership negotiations process.

Chairman of the Committee on European Union Affairs, Waidelich, said the Kingdom of Sweden was fully supporting the further enlargement of the European Union. Waidelich emphasised some of Sweden's important experiences in membership negotiations process, stressing the importance of dialogue between the Parliament and government, of educating expert services and informing the public on the course of negotiations.

State Secretary Pejčinović Burić informed the Swedish delegation on consensus of all parliamentary parties on the EU membership as Croatia's strategic goal. That consensus was implemented through the establishment of the National Committee for Monitoring the Negotiations, and through its role in the very negotiations process.

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