State Secretary Hido Biščević received UK Ambassador John Ramsden

State Secretary for Political Affairs Hido Biščević received on 5 February 2007 the UK Ambassador to the Republic of Croatia, John Ramsden

State Secretary Biščević and Ambassador Ramsden talked about the situation in South East Europe, especially the proposal for a solution to the status of Kosovo, recently brought forth by UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari.

In that regard, State Secretary Biščević said that Croatia considers that Ahtisaari’s team had to bridge in their comprehensive and far-reaching proposal significant differences in the two sides’ approach and expectations. Croatia, State Secretary Biščević pointed out, had supported Ahtisaari’s efforts, holding at the same time an active and direct dialogue with both Belgrade and Kosovo’s leadership.

He pointed out the need for Belgrade and Priština to constructively approach the working out of concrete solutions that will take into account a full human and minority rights protections, a functional decentralised administration, and other important issues.

He also pointed out the importance of the proposed process’ influence on the regional stability, emphasising that Croatia, especially in view of its SEECP presidency, expects of the international community a consistent engagement in protecting and implementing the basic principles of the Contact Group.

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