State Secretary Hido Biščević met with Swiss MFA’s State Secretary Michael Ambühl

State Secretary for Political Affairs at the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Hido Biščević visited Bern 2 December 2005, where he held regular political consultations with the State Secretary at the Swiss Federation’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Michael Ambühl

The two discussed the further enhancement of the relations between the two countries, the situation and perspectives in the South Eastern Europe, and Croatia’s and Swiss Federation’s experiences in relations with the EU. They also arranged a visit by Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey to the Republic of Croatia in 2006 and a meeting with the Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs and European integration, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović.

The two agreed that the bilateral relations are very good and with no outstanding issues, which can facilitates strengthening of the economic co-operation, stimulated among other things by the Swiss Minister of Economy Joseph Deiss’ recent visit to Zagreb, and will continue with the announced 2006 return visit to the Swiss Confederation by Croatian Minister of Economy Branko Vukelić and the Croatian economic delegation.

State secretaries Biščević and Ambühl also agreed on continuing the economic co-operation within international forums and organisations, with the possibility of mutual support in various candidacies, as well as further expert consultations between Croatian and Swiss foreign affairs services in various areas.

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