State Secretary Hido Biščević in Priština and Belgrade, as part of SEECP Troika’s visits

State Secretary for Political Affairs at the MFAEI Hido Biščević is visiting Pristina and Belgrade 6 and 7 December 2005, as a part of the visits by the SEECP Troika (South East Europe Co-operation Process)

The purpose of the Troika’s visits that, apart from State Secretary Hido Biščević, also includes Hellenic Republic’s Foreign Minister Petros G. Molyviatis, as the representative of the SEECP presiding country, and State Secretary for European Affairs at the Romanian MFA Lucian Leustean, is to get acquainted with Priština and Belgrade’s positions pending the start of the negotiations on the status of Kosovo, to be conducted under the auspices of the Special UN Envoy for Kosovo, Martti Ahtisaari.

As a part of the visit to Priština, 6 December 2005, the Troika will hold a series of meetings with the leading Kosovo’s officials, Kosovo’s President Ibrahim Rugova, Prime Minister Bajram Kosumi, representative of the Kosovo’s Serbian community Oliver Ivanović, and representatives of UNMIK.

During the visit to Belgrade, 7 December 2005, the Troika is to meet with Serbian President Boris Tadić, Prime Minister Vojislav Koštunica, and Serbia and Montenegrin Foreign Minister Vuk Drašković.

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