State Secretary DSc Davor Božinović received the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, Park Seong-ung

In the talks, State Secretary Božinović and Ambassador Park stressed the very good relations between the two countries and exchanged views about further possibilities of bilateral cooperation and mutual familiarization of the two countries

In the talks, State Secretary Božinović and Ambassador Park stressed the very good relations between the two countries and exchanged views about further possibilities of bilateral cooperation and mutual familiarization of the two countries. Solid foundations have been created primarily to strengthen mutual economic cooperation, and there are possibilities for joint projects in science and education to be included in a special Action Plan of the two sides.

The Republic of Korea is expecting the appearance of the Republic of Croatia at 2012 EXPO in the Korean city of Yeos.

The current situation on the Korean peninsula was also given a consideration. The prompt response and statements from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Croatia was thankfully acknowledged by the Government of the Republic of Korea, said Ambassador Park.

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