State Secretary Davor Božinović met with State Secretary for European Affairs at Norwegian MFA Elisabeth Walaas

State Secretary Božinović thanked State Secretary Walaas for her personal contribution to the development of the two countries’ already excellent relations, both as a former ambassador in Zagreb and now as the state secretary

State Secretary Božinović thanked State Secretary Walaas for her personal contribution to the development of the two countries’ already excellent relations, both as a former ambassador in Zagreb and now as the state secretary. He also thanked for Norway’s continuous and years-long assistance, ranging from humanitarian aid, to economic and bilateral assistance, and the current support in education and exchange of experiences concerning the EU. He added that Croatia greatly appreciated Norway’s continual assistance in mine clearance as well.

State Secretary Božinović informed his collocutor about the state of Croatia’s EU negotiations, pointing out that Croatia had accepted the final solution proposal by Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn on Slovenia’s lifting the veto on Croatia’s negotiations. He expressed Croatia’s determination to carry on with the reforms necessary for the EU membership.

State Secretary Walaas congratulated Croatia on joining NATO, calling it a historical event. he communicated Norway’s great interest in preserving the stability in South Eastern Europe, which is why it is important for Croatia to become an EU member soon, she said, and thus send an encouraging message to the other countries in the region.

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