State Secretary Davor Božinović met with Dr. John P. Rose, Director of George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies

The collocutors expressed satisfaction with the traditionally excellent cooperation between Croatian institutions and the Marshall Center, which has so far seen the attendance of people from 109 countries, including 180 Croatians

The collocutors expressed satisfaction with the traditionally excellent cooperation between Croatian institutions and the Marshall Center, which has so far seen the attendance of people from 109 countries, including 180 Croatians. Director Rose commended the quality of the attendees, expressing hope that the cooperation would be further intensified, including the possibility of increasing the number of attendees from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration.

The Marshall Center was founded as part of the US-German partnership and its mission entails creating a more stable security environment through the strengthening of democratic institutions and relation, promotion of active and peaceful security cooperation, and stimulation of lasting partnerships between the nations of North America, Europe and Eurasia.

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