State Secretary Davor Božinović met the European Commission Director General for Enlargement, Alexandra Cas Granje

State Secretary Božinović expressed his gratitude for the continuous support provided by the European Commission in the Croatian accession process towards membership of the European Union and informed her about the activities undertaken by the Republic of Croatia, with a special emphasis of the reform of the judiciary, cooperation with ICTY, fight against corruption and privatisation of the shipbuilding industry. He especially emphasised the positive progress in two key chapters, Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights and Chapter 8 – Competition, the opening of which is expected by the end of the Spanish presidency. This will create all the necessary preconditions for the completion of negotiations by the end of this year.

Director Cas Granje expressed her satisfaction with the achieved progress and stressed the importance of further dynamics of the negotiations mentioning also the plans for Intergovernmental conferences during the Spanish Presidency.

Both parties expressed their satisfaction with the fact that the Croatian negotiations for accession to the European Union are in their final and decisive stage and they stressed that the membership of the Republic of Croatia in the European Union would open the path for other countries in the South East of Europe towards full membership of the Union.

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