State Secretary Davor Božinović chaired first session of the Commission for Drafting the Strategy and Act on the Relations of the Republic of Croatia with the Croats Abroad

Croats outside Croatia live as emigrants and minorities, as well as one of the constitutive nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and contribute together with the Croats in homeland to the building of Croatian cultural unity, confirmed the session

Croats outside Croatia live as emigrants and minorities, as well as one of the constitutive nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and contribute together with the Croats in homeland to the building of Croatian cultural unity, confirmed the session.

The goal of the Strategy is, therefore, to unite the whole of the Croatian society and the Croats abroad in the realization of a joint project directed at maintaining and strengthening the Croatian identity and prosperity.

The Commission, whose members are representatives from the Office of the President, the Government, the Croatian Heritage Foundation and the Croatian Radiotelevision, began working on the Strategy. The participants agreed that the Strategy should have clear objectives and that the process of its passing should be transparent and open to all those who wish to contribute. That is why the draft of the Strategy will be open to the public and, together with the Act, will be the subject of a direct dialogue with the representatives and associations of the Croats abroad.

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