State Secretary Bušić accompanies Croatian president on visit to Argentina

State Secretary for Political Affairs Zdravka Bušić, as a member of the Croatian President Kolinde Grabar-Kitarović’s delegation, was on an official visit to Argentina

State Secretary for Political Affairs Zdravka Bušić, as a member of the Croatian President Kolinde Grabar-Kitarović’s delegation, was on an official visit to Argentina. Bušić and Daniel Raimondi, Argentina’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship, signed a Program of Cultural Cooperation between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Argentina for 2018-2021.

The two officials also inked a Memorandum of Agreement between the MFEA Diplomatic Academy and the National Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship on diplomatic training.

The signing of said documents between the governments of Croatia and Argentina will strengthen the bilateral mechanisms of interinstitutional cooperation in the area of culture, as well as the exchange of know-how and experience in developing expert and analytical capacities of diplomatic services. The two sides are willing to continue prompting contacts between competent institutions and exchange experience through joint projects and seminars. 

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