State Secretary Biščević presented the Republic of Croatia government plan for solving the refugees issue by the end of 2006

State Secretary for Political Affairs at the Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry Hido Biščević received, on July 12, 2005, Head of the OSCE Mission in Zagreb, Ambassador Jorge Fuentes Monzonis Vilallonga, Head of the European Commission’s Delegation to Croatia, Ambassador Jacques Wunenburger, and Mario Pavlović of the UNHCR, in order to hand the Republic of Croatia government plan for solving the refugees issue by the end of 2006, in accordance with the responsibilities determined by the Sarajevo Declaration of January 2005

The plan, which would in the end become part of the operative process of implementing the Sarajevo Declaration, describes in detail the measures that would be taken in the upcoming period, emphasising the deadlines and projected financial means. Representatives of the three international organisations assessed as extremely positive the efforts and activities the Government of the Republic of Croatia was making in order to take care of the refugees. The devised plan was welcomed as an important step in that direction, which would enable closure of all the remaining issues of the war period.

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