State Secretary Bianca Matković met with Hungarian Ambassador to Croatia Péter Imre Györkös

The meeting arranged the details in regard to the forthcoming joint session of the governments of the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Hungary, to be held Thursday in Budapest

The meeting arranged the details in regard to the forthcoming joint session of the governments of the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Hungary, to be held Thursday in Budapest.

State Secretary Matković and Ambassador Györkös described this third session in a row as yet another proof of the two countries’ excellent neighbourly relations, as well as an opportunity for their further enhancement. The session should see the signing of 10 interstate agreements in various areas of mutual interest. Prime Minister Ivo Sanader will be accompanied by a delegation of Croatian businessmen, who will participate with their Hungarian colleagues in the economic forum.

State Secretary Matković also thanked the Hungarian Government for the continuous support for Croatia’s Euro-Atlantic integration, which Ambassador Györkös reiterated once again.

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