State Secretary Andrej Plenković received German Ambassador Bernd Fischer

State Secretary Plenković talked with Ambassador Fischer about Croatia’s EU accession, pointing out Croatia’s aspiration to complete the negotiation process by the end of this year

State Secretary Plenković talked with Ambassador Fischer about Croatia’s EU accession, pointing out Croatia’s aspiration to complete the negotiation process by the end of this year. He expressed gratitude for Germany’s advocating the speeding up of the overall process of Croatia’s EU accession, as well as for the friendly and partnership offer in regard to the building of institutional membership capabilities. The two also exchanged opinions about the level of the Croatian public’s support for the EU membership, financial aspect of the membership, and using the means from the EU funds.

The collocutors also talked about the next week’s visit by the delegation of the German Parliament’s EU Affairs Committee, the organizing of Croatia-Germany Economic Forum in June, as well as the development of cooperation in culture, science and education.

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