Signing of Agreement on Postgraduate Specialist Study

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić and Rector of the University of Zagreb Aleksa Bjeliš signed an Agreement on Postgraduate Specialist Study “Diplomacy”

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić and Rector of the University of Zagreb Aleksa Bjeliš signed an Agreement on Postgraduate Specialist Study “Diplomacy”.

“This cooperation between the University of Zagreb and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs has been in the making a long time, and stems from an obvious and simple assumption – in order to engage in international relations and diplomacy, one must know something, in theory and practice. We have both of those things in Zagreb, but haven’t brought them together until now. So we decided to gather people from the academic community and MFEA employees with vast experience in international relations and diplomacy, combine their knowledge and transfer it to the next generations and all those who are or will be working on such positions. We are also offering the study to other countries in the region and worldwide,” Pusić said.

“As for tuition fees, the ministry will cover the expenses for its employees. For others, the tuition costs HRK 30,000. We can also offer scholarships for people from abroad as a form of development assistance. The quota is 30 attendees, three semesters. The more people apply, the more likely the study is to continue,” the minister said.

“The study is indeed an international one, lasting a year and a half at the level of a postgraduate specialist study,” Bjeliš said. “It offers not only the possibility of perfecting the know-how necessary for diplomatic service, international relations and foreign affairs, but also paves the way for a doctorate degree if one is interested,” he said.

“I would like to thank all of the ambassadors who have expressed interest in the study, which is a good precondition for making it an international one from the start, gathering not only attendees from Croatia and its neighbours, but from far beyond. The agreement foresees setting up a coordinating body in which MFEA will play an important part,” the rector said. 

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