Regular political consultations held between Croatian MFAEI and Austrian MFA on state secretary level

Today, 27 September 2006, regular political consultations were held between the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration and the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the state secretary level

The consultations were hosted by State Secretary for Political Affairs Hido Biščević, while the Austrian delegation was headed by Secretary General Johannes Kyrle, who also held a courtesy meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović. Secretary General Kyrle also met with State Secretary for European Integration Marija Pejčinović Burić.

State Secretary Biščević and Secretary General Kyrle reviewed the situation in the bilateral relations and agreed on the ways of strengthening further co-operation between the two countries on bi- and multilateral level, as well as the co-operation within international organisations. Both sides described the current relations as very good.

Opinions were exchanged on the situation in the South Eastern Europe, the activities of the EU and international community in realising permanent stability and security in SEE, especially as regards Kosovo. Further exchange of opinions on the subject was agreed upon, with State Secretary Biščević pointing out Croatia’s role in view of its current SEECP presidency.

State Secretary Biščević also informed the Austrian side about the situation in the bilateral relations with the neighbouring countries and reported on the consistent implementation of the refugee return program and co-operation with the neighbouring countries in implementing the Sarajevo Declaration.

State Secretary Pejčinović Burić held a separate meeting with Secretary General Kyrle, informing the Austrian side about the progress of Croatia’s EU accession negotiations, the screening process, and the meeting of the membership criteria. State Secretary Pejčinović Burić also reported on the activities regarding the Communication Strategy for Informing the Croatian Public on the EU and preparations for the membership. Secretary General Kyrle reviewed Austria’s experiences in accession negotiations, emphasizing the importance of communication strategy and informing the public. Austria confirmed the continuation of its full support and a further exchange of experiences in the process of Croatia’s preparations for a full EU membership.

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