Regarding yesterday’s statements by Slovenian FM Dimitrij Rupel

Regarding yesterday’s statements by Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration would like to point out that in its negotiating positions, the Republic of Croatia is not prejudicing the border between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Slovenia

On the contrary, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration is firmly dedicated to solving all of the border issues before an international judicial body. In that sense, we continue to fully support the further activities of the interstate commissions founded pursuant to the two prime ministers’ agreement from August 2007.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration would like to emphasize once again it is open to dialogue and finding mutually acceptable solutions.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration expects that the Republic of Slovenia, in keeping with its declared support, will give its full contribution to Croatia’s EU negotiations process.

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