Pusić receives Indonesian Ambassador Agus Sardjan

Both sides expressed satisfaction with the two countries’ bilateral relations

Both sides expressed satisfaction with the two countries’ bilateral relations and the intensity of high-level visits. They welcomed the future political dialogue and voiced conviction in the further strengthening of bilateral relations, namely in the area of economic and cultural cooperation.

Pusić stressed the importance of the stability of Southeast Europe, saying Croatia was willing to assist the countries in the region on their path of European integration. She also expressed Croatia’s readiness to use its post-conflict transition experience to help other countries in institution building.

Sardjan talked about possible future cooperation and confirmed Indonesia's interest in using the northern Adriatic port of Rijeka as a gateway to European markets.

The two officials supported the holding of the second session of the Joint Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation, scheduled for late 2012 in Jakarta. Sardjan briefed Pusić about the training, scholarship and student-exchange programmes that Indonesia was running, which Pusić recognized as an excellent opportunity for young people of both countries to gain experience and a good basis for future cultural cooperation.

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