Pusić received Japanese Ambassador Masaru Tsuji

The two officials expressed satisfaction with the friendly relations between Croatia and Japan, accompanied by high-level visits and cooperation on the regional and multilateral front

The two officials expressed satisfaction with the friendly relations between Croatia and Japan, accompanied by high-level visits and cooperation on the regional and multilateral front.

Welcoming Ambassador Tsuji, Pusić wished him success in his future endeavours, thanking for Japan's humanitarian aid to Croatia so far, notably in demining. Earlier today, Tsuji signed a deed of donation in the amount of EUR 80,000 for demining in Lipik.

Both sides agreed there was room for advancing the cooperation, namely in economy. They expressed hope that the visit by the Japanese Business Federation to Croatia scheduled for April would further strengthen the two countries’ economic ties.

Pusić invited Japanese business people to continue investing in Croatia, stressing that creating the preconditions for improving the investment climate was one of the government’s priorities. She underlined the importance of the Port of Rijeka as an entry point to other European markets.

The meeting also discussed further advancement of tourist cooperation, in light of the Japanese tourists’ growing interest to visit Croatia.

Ambassador Tsuji thanked Croatia for its aid to Japan in wake of the previous year’s earthquake and tsunami.

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