Pusić received ACT commander, General Stephane Abrial

Pusić underlined the importance of Croatia's membership in the alliance and its commitment to NATO activities

Pusić underlined the importance of Croatia's membership in the alliance and its commitment to NATO activities. In terms of the alliance’s engagement in international operations, she stressed – apart from the military dimension - the importance of developing a civil dimension, which can be a stabilizing element of society and institution building. She said Croatia was especially interested in taking part in that segment, given its experiences in transition and post-conflict institutional reconstruction.

General Abrial thanked Croatia for its contribution to NATO operations, especially the ISAF mission, adding that Croatia’s part in training and mentoring the Afghan security forces had been recognized and appreciated by the allies.

Pusić and Abrial also exchanged opinions about the implementation of NATO’s Smart Defence concept, whose basic purpose is to help member-countries use budget funds for defence in a better and more efficient way. They agreed that one of the ways to implement the concept was multinational cooperation, as it also helped members to obtain capacities they themselves could not obtain. Smart Defence is to be one of the topics of the NATO summit in Chicago in May.

The minister said Croatia supported ACT’s multinational and innovative solutions, and was committed to the Smart Defence concept as a way for the alliance to maintain the capacity and long-term credibility in the political and defence security sense.

The meeting also discussed the situation in Southeast Europe, with Pusić emphasizing that Croatia was advocating NATO's open-door policy for all other countries in the region aspiring to join the alliance.

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