Pusić: New communication models with Russia over Ukraine necessary

(Hina) - It is necessary to find new models of communication with Russia as the current communication has not defused the situation in Ukraine, but the conflict has been further exacerbated, Croatian Foreign Minister Vesna Pusić said on Friday in Milan

(Hina) - It is necessary to find new models of communication with Russia as the current communication has not defused the situation in Ukraine, but the conflict has been further exacerbated, Croatian Foreign Minister Vesna Pusić said on Friday in Milan where she participated in an informal meeting of European Union foreign ministers.

"There is agreement that Russia's invasion in Ukraine happened, that is regular Russian forces entered (Ukraine). This begs the question of how to continue communication with Russia. The sanctions are in effect, however, they haven't obviously prevented the escalation from the Russian side," said the Croatian minister at the two-day Gymnich event which ends on Saturday.

Nobody currently mentions lifting the sanctions. On the other hand, the need has been recognised to establish a communication at another level. It remains to be seen how to make sure that the communication will help defuse the situation, the Croatian official said.

The Gymnich meeting discussed the situation in Ukraine, Iraq and Syria.

Opening this informal meeting in Milan, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier warned of a possible broader conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

"If the situation continues to worsen, finding a political situation becomes more and more difficult," he said.

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