Pusić held press conference on 20th anniversary of Croatia's UN admission

She said that the UN membership had consolidated Croatia's international recognition and launched the building of the state which today is about to enter the EU

She said that the UN membership had consolidated Croatia's international recognition and launched the building of the state which today is about to enter the EU and which has built institutions it could have only dreamt of 20 years ago.

Marking the 20th anniversary of admission to the UN will start on 22 May with a ceremony at Zagreb's central Zrinjevac Park.

The central ceremony will be held 29 May in the national parliament. Alongside top Croatian officials, the ceremony in parliament will also be attended by former Polish Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki, former Hungarian Foreign Minister Geza Jeszenski, former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas, former Slovenian President Milan Kučan, former Vatican undersecretary for relations with states Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, and former UN administrator in eastern Slavonia Jacques Klein.

A round table will also be held, themed “Croatia’s International Recognition and UN Admittance” and “Two Decades of Croatia’s UN Membership: Challenges and Achievements”.

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