- Published: 25.09.2015.
Pusić: Appointment of new arbiters changes nothing

(Hina) - Croatian Foreign Minister Vesna Pusić said on Friday that the decision by the arbitration tribunal to appoint two new arbiters changed nothing for Croatia because the arbitration process was too contaminated to continue
(Hina) - Croatian Foreign Minister Vesna Pusić said on Friday that the decision by the arbitration tribunal to appoint two new arbiters changed nothing for Croatia because the arbitration process was too contaminated to continue.
"This changes absolutely nothing, and I would say that this is an attempt to close this case in a polite way," Pusić said in New York. "Croatia is ready to discuss alternative ways of dealing with the border issue with Slovenia, by approaching the International Court of Justice or possibly by new arbitration," she added.
"This arbitration is too compromised for any decision to be made on the basis of the material contaminated with additions by the Slovenian agent and the Slovenian judge, who illegally included documents in the file, for any decision that could be of any relevance to Croatia," Pusić said.
"We are ready to discuss alternative ways, and as far as the present arbitration agreement is concerned, we are in the process of withdrawing from it based on the Vienna Convention. We have notified the other party and as far as we are concerned this process is being terminated," the Croatian minister said.