The collocutors agreed that the bilateral relations are intensive and at their best since diplomatic relations were established, and the friendship between the two states results in numerous mutual visits of officials at the highest level. Minister Jandroković expressed his satisfaction at meeting with his Israeli colleague for the third time in the past 18 months, and welcomed the announced arrival of the president of Israel’s Knesset, Reuven Rivlin, to this year's Croatia Summit in Dubrovnik.

The collocutors agreed that the bilateral relations are intensive and at their best since diplomatic relations were established, and the friendship between the two states results in numerous mutual visits of officials at the highest level. Minister Jandroković expressed his satisfaction at meeting with his Israeli colleague for the third time in the past 18 months, and welcomed the announced arrival of the president of Israel’s Knesset, Reuven Rivlin, to this year's Croatia Summit in Dubrovnik. The ministers expressed particular satisfaction with the fact that the Republic of Croatia was this year for the first time included in the circle of victorious countries of WWII which were invited by the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum to celebrate the Day of Victory over Fascism in Israel.

Agreeing that political foundations have been laid for strengthening the relations in all areas of mutual interest, the ministers stressed the need to strengthen economic cooperation. To this end, minister Jandroković invited Israeli investors to invest in the Republic of Croatia and emphasized the upcoming accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union, which will further strengthen the economic credibility and attractiveness of the Croatian market.

He informed his Israeli colleague of the last week’s decision of the European Council on the completion of negotiations between Croatia and the European Union, and announced their technical closure in this week’s intergovernmental conference in Brussels. Once the Republic of Croatia achieves full membership, Israel will have gained another friend in the European Union, Jandroković said. Minister Liberman expressed his congratulations on successful negotiations, and commended the reforms carried out by the Croatian government during the process of European integration.

The Ministers exchanged opinions on the current political and security conditions in South East Europe and the Middle East. They agreed that the Euro-Atlantic perspective of all remaining countries in the region is the only guarantee of stability and peace in the area.

Minister Liberman also presented the Israeli views on the latest developments in the Middle East peace process.

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