Press release by Foreign Minister Miomir Žužul

Regarding the news and articles that have been appearing for the last couple of days in the Croatian media mentioning the name of Foreign Minister Miomir Žužul, Mr. Žužul submitted a letter today, 4 November 2004, to Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader and members of the Croatian government, explaining the groundlessness of any claim about the conflict of interest

- The whole case regarding the conflict of interest is based on a false and entirely untrue accusation that Karin Universal Inžinjering company has bought Imostroj company and that the government has privileged the new owner by writing off the company’s debt to the Budget.

- Karin Universal Inžinjering did not buy Imostroj, but only its bankrupt’s estate. Therefore, the government’s decision to write off the debt could in no way privilege Karin Universal Inžinjering as the company has never owned Imostroj.

- The signing off of the debt only meant that the 168 workers get their salaries, which they haven’t been receiving for the past 3 years.

- The bankruptcy procedure, that is, the selling of Imostroj’s property, was handled by the Commercial Court in Split, which the Croatian Government could not have had anything to do with.

- Neither Tatjana nor Miomir Žužul received any payment from Karin Universal Inžinjering or any other related person.

- Karin Universal Inžinjering once concluded an agreement on buying a 50% share in Međunarodna trgovina and savjetovanje Ltd. (International Trade and Counselling Association - MTS) with the intent of extending its business in Zagreb, which it gave up on after buying Imstroj’s property.

- The only transactions between Karin Universal Inžinjering and Imstroj included money loans to MTS for keeping them in business during a time when Karin Universal Inžinjering was taking over MTS and was its co-owner. These loans were used to pay off MTS’s credit debts and after the break of the agreement on transferring the business shares which is in progress, MTS is to return them.

All these facts clearly prove that neither Žužul nor his wife did anything illegal or immoral. Nevertheless, for the past few days they have been constantly under attack by certain media, who do not care for facts or truth, but manipulate them. Mr and Mrs Žužul are determined to launch appropriate penal and judiciary procedures against them and have hired lawyers. This will give the protagonists of this immoral campaign to prove themselves at court and fully expose the lack of any arguments whatsoever for the charger made against Mr and Mrs Žužul. All indemnities will be donated to “Mala kuća”, a home for children with disabilities.

Minister and his wife thereby concluded their public debate on the case, having put forward all relevant facts that prove the pointlessness of charges brought against them.

Attached with the Minister’s letter to the media, sent by fax, was the following:

1. relations between MTS Ltd. and Karin Universal Inžinjering Ltd.

2. relations between Karin Universal Inžinjering and the bankrupt Imostroj Imotski Ltd.

3. agreement on a money loan between Karin Universal Inžinjering and MTS

4. MTS Karin Universal Inžinjering bookeeping records.

Press releases