Press conference held on first copy of EU Official Journal in Croatian

Also attending the conference were Assistant Minister Hrvoje Marušić and Head of the Translation Department Miljenka Prohaska Kragović

Also attending the conference were Assistant Minister Hrvoje Marušić and Head of the Translation Department Miljenka Prohaska Kragović.

Pusić said the Official Journal’s first copy in Croatian contained 258 pages, while the 142,831-page long Croatian translation of aquis is to be printed in over 460 copies. The first copy includes part of the regulations from the 13th chapter of aquis – Industrial Policy and Single Market.

The minister pointed out that this demanding task was being performed for a number of years by the Translation Department of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, in cooperation with other state administration bodies.

Pusić pointed out that so far some 40,000 pages of translation had been sent to Brussels. She underlined the Croatian government’s willingness to intensify the translation activities, in order for this complex task to be completed by 1 July 2013 so that at the moment of EU entry Croatia could have the complete acquis translated and published.

The Croatian version of the Community aquis will become official once it is checked by lawyer linguists from the EU institutions, European Parliament, Commission, Council and European Central Bank, and published in the Special Edition of the EU Official Journal.

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