Portugal sends aid to flood victims

The Portuguese government has sent a humanitarian shipment for the flood-hit areas of Croatia, which has arrived this afternoon at the Zagreb Airport on a Portuguese Air Force aircraft

The Portuguese government has sent a humanitarian shipment for the flood-hit areas of Croatia, which has arrived this afternoon at the Zagreb Airport on a Portuguese Air Force aircraft. The shipment contains sandbags, pottery and cutlery, sleeping bag matts, personal hygiene products for women, blankets and tents. Portuguese Ambassador in Zagreb Julio Vilela said on the occasion that solidarity among the EU member states was crucial for alleviating the consequences of the floods that had hit eastern Slavonia, adding that his country had not forgotten the help Croatia had extended to Portugal during the previous year’s fires by sending to firefighting aircraft.

The humanitarian aid will be sent to Županja. The Zagreb Airport has not charged the landing and take-off of the Portuguese aircraft. 

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