New protest note to Slovenia: Razor wire danger to lives, safety of residents

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs today presented the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Zagreb with yet another protest note, once again demanding that Slovenia without delay remove the unlawfully erected razor wire from Croatia’s territory

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs today presented the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Zagreb with yet another protest note, once again demanding that Slovenia without delay remove the unlawfully erected razor wire from Croatia’s territory and allow unobstructed crossing of the border at the points determined by the Agreement on Local Border Traffic and Cooperation. The note also demands that the wire be removed as soon as possible from areas around the Kupa River, where due to the rising water level parts of the wire have been dragged into the river basin and now present a serious danger to the lives and safety of the residents and wildlife.  This year’s first heavy rainfalls have already shown that torrential mountain rivers like Kupa can dislodge the wire and it is obvious that in the coming period the wire will cause all sorts of problems, especially bearing in mind that the winter has just begun and it is questionable in what state the razor wire fence will be come spring.

Furthermore, due to the wintry conditions, fewer migrants are being transported from Croatia through Slovenia and on towards their desired destinations.

In the note, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs regrets to reiterate that Slovenia’s razor wire, instead of being a means to curb uncontrolled border crossing and protect Slovenia from the migrant crisis, as Slovenia’s officials claim, was and still is a threat to the lives and safety of both the Slovenian and Croatian residents and anyone who finds themselves in the area, as well as a danger to the wildlife for which the area is a natural habitat. 

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