- Published: 06.03.2003.
National Co-ordinators for the Stability Pact met in Vienna on 5 March 2003...

National Co-ordinators for the Stability Pact met in Vienna on 5 March 2003 to consider the activities undertaken and to plan new ones. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Erhard Busek, Special Co-ordinator for Stability Pact. The Republic of Croatia was represented by Gordan Markotić, National Co-ordinator.
The participants reported on the priority activities of the Stability Pact in 2003 (the so-called core objectives: media, local democracy and cross-border co-operation, infrastructure, trade and investments, management and stabilisation of movement of population, combating organised crime, security and defence) and on other activities of all three Working Tables.
The Republic of Croatia welcomed the fact that the Memorandum of Understanding on the Regional Electricity Market in Southeastern Europe and its Integration into the European Union Internal Electricity Market was signed.
The National Co-ordinators announced a meeting of potential donors for the Sava initiative in Brussels on Wednesday, 12 March of the current year, and reported on the completion of bilateral FTA network in Southeastern Europe.
They informed that Elisabeth Rehn, former defence minister of Finland and UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Yugoslavia and Macedonia, became the chairperson of Working Table One.
They also announced a meeting of all three Working Tables and of the Regional Table in Cavtat on 26-27 May of the current year, which according to expectations will be attended by high representatives of the European Commission, of the Greek presidency of the European Union, and of Italy as the next presiding country of the EU, considering that this will be the last meeting of the SEE countries prior to the meeting at Thesalonikki on 21 June 2003.