MVPEI launched two-day seminar on “Changes Brought by the Lisbon Treaty, with Special Reference to the Common Foreign and Security Policy and Cooperation in Penal Matters”

The seminar is organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration in cooperation with the European Institute of Public Administration, and is being realized as part of the Luxembourg Program of Technical Assistance to Croatia

The seminar is organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration in cooperation with the European Institute of Public Administration, and is being realized as part of the Luxembourg Program of Technical Assistance to Croatia.

The goal of the seminar that gathered 60-odd attendees is to present the changes brought in the substantial and procedural sense by the Lisbon Treaty, with special reference to the Common Foreign and Security Policy.

The lecturers are the experts from the European Institute of Public Administration Nadja Long and Wolfgang Koeth, who will be lecturing on the following topics: Common Foreign and Security Policy and the EU foreign relations after Lisbon, institutional changes brought by the Lisbon Treaty in regard to the cooperation in penal matters and cooperation in law enforcement, the European External Action Service, the current principal instrument and future development in the law enforcement cooperation, and the development of the Common Security and Defence Policy.

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