Ministers Žužul and Fischer signed in New York a Joint Declaration on co-operation in the reconstruction of the Afghan region of Badakhshan

Croatian Foreign Dr Minister Miomir Žužul and the Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany Joschka Fischer signed in New York the Joint Declaration of civic co-operation within the German Regional Reconstruction Team in the city of Feyzabad, Afghanistan

From November 2004, Croatia provide the German Mission in Feyzabad with a significant civil support by sending one diplomat and two police experts. Croatia ahs thus accepted a long-term contribution to the reconstruction, which can be modified in size and content according to the mission’s requirements. The goal of the Regional Reconstruction Team, as a part of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan, is to offer support to the central government and take part in the stabilisation of the region, opening the door for reform. The UN Security Council extended the ISAF’s mandate 17 September 2004 (UNSCR 1563).

The setting up of a second German Regional Reconstruction Team in Feyzabad, which should be operational shortly, will significantly strengthen the international presence in the far away region of Badakhshan. Germany is currently setting up a logistic support to their reconstruction team. For these purposes, some 70 German soldiers have been sent to Feyzabad, and initial operational capabilities have already been reached.

Germany greatly appreciates Croatia’s contribution, which constitutes an important support to the civic mission of the Regional Reconstruction Team. The Croatian-German co-operation confirms the efforts in the reconstruction and stabilisation of Afghanistan on the eve of the pending first presidential elections 9 October 2004.

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