Ministers sign statement of intent to stimulate creative, cultural industries

Seven ministers 2 November signed a Statement of Intent to stimulate the development of creative and cultural industries in Croatia

Seven ministers, Foreign Minister Vesna Pusić, Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds Branko Grčić, Culture Minister Berislav Šipuš, Tourism Minister Darko Lorenzin, Entrepreneurship and Crafts Minister Gordan Maras, Economy Minister Ivan Vrdoljak, and Minister of Science, Education and Sports Vedran Mornar 2 November signed a Statement of Intent to stimulate the development of creative and cultural industries in Croatia through adoption and implementation of concrete measures to develop creative and cultural industries and strengthen institutional and infrastructural support for the 2016-2020 period.

Creative and cultural industries, as a part of economy that holds potential could contribute to its growth, as well as provide added value and competitiveness to products and services, are highlighted in the Statement as a strategic sector stimulating research and innovation through interaction with different branches of economy.

 The signatories express concurrence that cultural and creative sectors are a source of innovative ideas that can be turned into products and services for stimulating growth and opening jobs, and that it is necessary to strengthen creative and cultural industries in order to turn Croatia into a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy within the EU, with a high rate of employment, productivity and social cohesion.

Also, cultural industries have been recognized for their outstanding role in societal development – in education, culture, science and international cooperation, as well as for their potential for creating job opportunities and self-employment of youth.

In light of all of the above, the signatories will draft within a working interdepartmental council strategic guidelines, operative programs and measures for developing creative and cultural industries in Croatia, as well as monitoring and evaluating their implementation. The guidelines will be drafted observing the “Europe 2020” strategy, “Green Paper on Unlocking the Potential of Cultural and Creative Industries” and “Communication from the Commission on European Agenda for Culture in a Globalizing World”.

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