Ministerial meeting of U.S.-Adriatic Charter (A5)

On Friday 16 December 2016, a meeting was held between the Partnership Commission of the U.S.-Adriatic Charter (A5) and observer countries, hosted by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Davor Ivo Stier

On Friday 16 December 2016, a meeting was held between the Partnership Commission of the U.S.-Adriatic Charter (A5) and observer countries, hosted by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Davor Ivo Stier. The meeting saw the adoption of a joint communiqué. Representatives of the member states (Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, the United States) and observer countries (Kosovo, Slovenia, Serbia) discussed the political situation in Southeast Europe, as well as present security challenges and future prospects of cooperation within the Charter.

The U.S.-Adriatic Charter (A5) was established in 2003 to affirm Euro-Atlantic integration in Southeast Europe, with an end goal of member states’ NATO accession. The Zagreb meeting marked the end of Croatia’s chairmanship of the Charter, which is to be taken over by Macedonia next year. 





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