Minister Žužul talked with Ambassador Frank and Ambassador Prosper

The Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs publishes the press release issued today, 30 October 2004, by the U.S. Embassy in Zagreb

Croatian truck driver in U.S. military custody in Iraq

The United States Embassy in Zagreb has learned that Damir Mikulic, a Croatian truck driver in Iraq, is alive and in excellent health, according to U.S. military officials in Iraq.

Mr. Mikulic has been detained for thirty days in CAMP BUCCA, near Ummqasr. CAMP BUCCA is a camp for foreign nationals (non-Iraqis).

Mr. Mikulic was detained for allegedly collecting vehicle information and personal identification information beyond what is considered of general interest to tourists.

Mr. Mikulic's case is being expedited and is presently under review by an official panel composed of Iraqis and multi-nationals (non-U.S. military).

The U.S. Embassy shared this information with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Croatia late this afternoon.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs wishes to point out that Minister Žužul has spoken about it with the U.S. Ambassador to Zagreb Ralph Frank and over the phone with the U.S. Ambassador at the Department of State Pierre-Richard Prosper.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expects further information and will continue with all the necessary activities in accordance with its possibilities so as to best protect the interests of all Croatian citizens.

Press releases