Minister Pusić on enlargement – BiH and Albania

On Bosnia and Herzegovina again not being a topic of GAC: It is and should be a topic...

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On Bosnia and Herzegovina again not being a topic of GAC:

“It is and should be a topic. This report shows there has been no progress, but Croatia believes that more Europe is the solution, not less. A greater presence of Europe. We believe a proactive, specifically tailored approach – so to speak – is needed for BiH. We will continue to advocate that and I hope that next month FAC will begin with a working breakfast on BiH so that we could discuss the issue.”

Is Croatia playing a role of “liaison officer” between the EU and the region?

“It is, in the sense that we come from the same region. We are neighbours so of course that stability and prosperity of BiH is in our interest as that means stability of the region as a whole, which is extremely important as it affects the lives of all of us.”

On Albania’s status:

“There will be a recommendation, maybe even a decision. Croatia has initialled a letter recommending and stating that Albania has done everything that was necessary and that it should be granted candidate status. We got support from a number of countries for that letter and a number of countries supported it also during the Foreign Affairs Council yesterday. We will see what happens today, but as for Croatia, we think that Albania has met the criteria to be granted candidate status and we will definitely work in that direction and support that decision.”

Listen to Minister Pusić's statement here:

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