Minister Pusić: Minsk agreement has to be clearly defined

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić is attending today a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić is attending today a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels. The EU foreign ministers are to discuss, among other issues, the Ukrainian crisis and relations with Russia.

Asked ahead of the meeting what kind of relations with Russia could be expected in the future, Pusić said they were bound to improve, adding that two positions could be anticipated at today’s meeting. “One is that talks with Russia should commence immediately, that some of the sanctions should be softened, and the other no talks are to be launched, let alone alleviate sanctions,” Pusić said.

In a response to what Croatia’s position would be, Pusić said: “We will advocate talks and a clear definition of the Minsk agreement which Russia is expected to abide by, including correct parameters of the cessation of the conflict in eastern Ukraine. The accomplishment of those goals should be a prerequisite for gradual alleviation of the sanctions, given that they have been imposed in order to make sure that the conflict calms down and peace is established."

Asked whether the sanctions had served their purpose, Pusić said that they had some effects on Russia but had not helped defuse the situation in Ukraine and that the Minsk agreement should be fully implemented.

As for the fight against terrorism, Pusić said Europe had demonstrated unity and readiness to develop a joint strategy and cooperation.

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