Minister Pusić meets with Iraqi Kurdistan Minister of Planning Sindi

On the second day of her visit to Erbil on Tuesday, First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign and European Affairs Minister Vesna Pusić met with Iraqi Kurdistan Minister of Planning Ali Sindi

On the second day of her visit to Erbil on Tuesday, First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign and European Affairs Minister Vesna Pusić met with Iraqi Kurdistan Minister of Planning Ali Sindi, underlining the appreciation for Iraq's fight against global terrorism.

“We appreciate the Iraqi fight against DAESH, especially the role of the Peshmerga, who are fighting not just for Kurdistan and Iraq but also for a wider neighbourhood which is Europe. They are fighting to defeat terrorism,” said Pusić.

“It is our will and our obligation to cooperate with you by providing support through defence cooperation and humanitarian cooperation,” she said.

After the meeting, Pusić gave a statement:




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