Minister Pusić attends promotion of book “EU Political Institutions”

Presenting a book by Dario Čepo titled “Political Institutions of the EU”, Minister Pusić said it answered the question most frequently asked by Croatian citizens

Presenting a book by Dario Čepo titled “Political Institutions of the EU”, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić said it answered the question most frequently asked by Croatian citizens – where exactly are we going by joining the EU. The book explains the instruments, functioning, rules, decision-making process, policy creation, correlations and competences of the institutions in which since January 2012 (the referendum) Croatian citizens are participating as well.

“The position of a country as well as its well-prepared and articulated interests is the most important task of the EU membership,” Pusić said, “and this book serves the Croatian, now European citizens, as an instrument of sorts for reducing errors there.” The minister noted the difference between the visible and the more important invisible Europe, since most (preparatory) decisions, especially political ones, are being made in a way that is invisible to the public.

Pusić recalled the very beginning of European integrations, when “there was very little to put down on paper, but there strong, prominent European leaders,” asking the question what was the profile of today’s European leader.

Apart from Pusić and Čepo, the book was also presented by Goran Radman, Chairman of Governors of the Miko Tripalo Democracy and Law Centre, Slaven Ravlić, the book’s reviewer, and Ilija Ranić, editor of the Plejada publishing house. 

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