Minister Picula and Ms. Željka Antunović held a meeting with the North Atlantic Council ...

Mr. Tonino Picula, the Croatian Foreign Minister and Ms. Željka Antunović, the Croatian Defence Minister, held a meeting with the North Atlantic Council within the first round of Membership Action Plan on 8 May, at the headquarters of NATO in Brussels. A separate meeting was also held with Mr. George Robertson, NATO Secretary-General, who commended Croatia on defence reforms it has initiated.

At the meeting with Ambassadors of NATO's members, it was evaluated that Croatia has achieved a significant progress during the first MAP round, especially in the economic field. Issues such as cooperation with the Hague Tribunal, return of refugees, judicial reforms, and combat against terrorism were discussed as well.

Another topic discussed was defence reforms with the emphasis on the restructuring of the armed forces. It was evaluated that Croatia's reforms are on the right path and that the modernisation of defence sector is to be continued. It was confirmed at the meeting that NATO is still conducting the policy of open doors and that there are good chances for future entry of Croatia into the Alliance. Croatian national annual plan submitted last Autumn was considered.

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